As the snow begins to fly and the mercury dips, I can't help but think of how nice that particular fall day was. The three of us just simply hung out in the back yard... well it was just Aaron and I staining our wood trim (which is still not up yet) in the back yard until Miss Madely Poo decided to awaken from her afternoon slumber. And then, she just had to be outside with Mommy and Daddy!!!
Of course, the camera came too and I am so glad because I got a chance to take some really sweet fall pictures of my lil peanut butter baby.
Isn't she a doll face in her peachy keen coat and hat?
Dandelion baby...
You have to blow on dandelions, right?

Places to go, people to see... Is that pretty flower for Mommy?

Helping daddy stain the trim was so much fun!

Mommy made daddy put Madeline in the tree... He he he...
You LOVED it, baby girl!
You LOVED it, baby girl!

Peeeeking around a bush. Is daddy over there?

Oh how mommy tried to get this baby OUT OF THE ROCKS! Didn't work too well. She's a stubborn little German... just like her mommy AND daddy!

Vrooooom goes the airplane baby!

Off into the sunset...
What a great day we had doing nothing together! Yup, I'd do that day all over again!