Friday, July 22, 2011

Hi Mommy, this is my ‘Morning Glub’

"Chloe Bug"... Morning Glub
There’s nothing quite like the bond between a kid and their first dog - or dogs, as happens to be the case in our household.

My 3-year-old is infatuated with her two dogs, Chauncey and Chloe. They’re English Springer Spaniels and they’re also litter mates, which means one is never far from the other.

My daughter isn’t too far from them either!

She follows them, chases them, hugs them and “snuggles” with them. For the most part, she’s very good with them and only occasionally gives their long, droopy ears a little tug.

Sometimes she is a little too good to them. We learned quickly to keep their food just out of reach or else they would be fed... and fed... and fed.

For some reason, she has taken more of a shine to Chloe. The little female is the more mild-mannered of the dogs and definitely the smaller one.

Last week, while on vacation, we spent a good amount of time outside, painting a shed. Of course, the dogs had to be out with us.
And the dogs give chase....

During any long stay outdoors, the “toddler queen” usually ends up in her playhouse, “cooking up” something. The dogs usually go along with the fun - sometimes held captive against their will - in the playhouse.

“MORNING GLUB! There’s my Morning Glub.”

I paused, thinking I had misheard that strange phrase.

“MORNING GLUB, come here!”

I had to go see what a Morning Glub was.

“Whatcha doin’?” I asked the kid.

“I am calling Morning Glub to come here,” she responded. “This is my Morning Glub. I love her.”

“Morning Glub?” I questioned.

The toddler queen informed me that she had renamed Chloe. She was now to be known as Morning Glub.

“You mean Morning Glory?” I asked, hoping I was right.

“No, Glub.”

“Cub?” I asked.


“Bug?” still hoping for something more sensible than a Glub.

“GLUB. I said GLUB.”


“GLUB,” she insisted.

What is a Glub? I do not know. But for the dog formerly known as Chloe, it is now her new name. Perhaps I should inform the vet that her records need to be changed... re-register her? Probably not.

For the remainder of the day - and still to this very day - the toddler queen periodically lapses into calling the dog, “Morning Glub.”

The dog doesn’t respond, of course.

So, just like any good little toddler who does anything and everything to get their way, she eventually - after about 20 minutes of calling “MORNING GLUB,” gives in to logic and whispers, “Chloe, come here, Chloe.”

When Chloe (a.k.a. Morning Glub) finally hears her name, she gladly comes over to the kid, wagging her tail. She simply doesn’t know what a Morning Glub is either.

The toddler claims victory over the dog.

“I love you, Morning Glub. I knew you’d come back. Good little Morning Glub.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

District Convention 2011

Maddie showing off her KooKoo Birds. She loves those silly things.
July 2011 marked our last District Convention together as the "Ewald" clan. Aaron's family officially moved to Kentucky at the beginning of this month, but they returned for one last convention with us since their new congregation, Hopkinsville, already had theirs. Here are some shots of the 2011 District Convention (three days we look forward to SO MUCH in Saginaw at the Dow).

Aaron had to be an attendant in an upper level section at the District, which meant he had to get there EXTRA early... Mommy and Madeline rode in with Grammy and Poppy! The top of our section had an interesting space behind the seats that all of the kids rather enjoyed!

Maddie and Arianna

Nana missed Madeline for two weeks before she got to come "home" for the District.

Caro congregation kids... plotting something

The view from our section

Bestest Cousins, Madeline and Landon



Bunny ears...

Snacking on some goldfish outside the Dow... hair falling down

I'll go anywhere you go, Landon! Alexis is coming too!

Landon, Madeline and Nana at the Dow.

Madeline and Alexis

Watching the traffic? I'm not sure...

Cleaning up after a big day at the District

Blurry, but happy!

Checking out the stage after the District.

Add caption

And there's Landon too!

The Ewalds, District Convention 2011