Monday, December 29, 2008

My Maddie Monkey

Isn't it strange how one little outfit quickly becomes the favorite? I love these monkey jammies. Aaron picked them out at Babys R Us. I had a totally girly pair picked out and he held up the red monkeys and said, "What about these?"

How could I say no? Daddy picked out something for his baby girl!

Interestingly enough, Aaron had a little stuffed monkey named "Virgil" when he was a little tyke.

Somebody got Madeline a monkey at one of our showers and of course, we now call him, "Virgil," too.

Isn't that a fun fact?

Sweet Madeline is sitting on my lap as I type this blog entry. She's watching the words go across the screen and I wonder what that little mind is thinking.
She's a very thoughtful baby, always seemingly plotting or wondering about something. Her facial expressions honestly make my heart happy. Sometimes I look into those big blue eyes and think about how much I love her... like I never knew I could love anyone. This must be what they mean by, "a mother's love."

I guess I get it now.

Being a mom is such a trip, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
She's my Maddie Monkey...

1 comment:

The Lofback's said...

How cute, that top picture is adorable!!!!!