Look at our girl standing up by Daddy. What a big girl! She pulls herself up all the time now - no steps, but definitely pulls herself up whenever she wants up on our laps or just to see what is going on.
This time, she climbed up to see if she could get that pesky remote control that is always just out of reach.
And then... what do you know? Rookie walks on by and it's time to reach out to pat her (or pinch her)... but she's just out of reach, too!!! That dog never holds still for those little hands! She always runs away!
Poor Madeline is left to look off into the distance as Rookie escapes her little hands again. But just wait, Rookie... this little girl is going to be sneaking up and hopping on very soon!
Giddy up, Rookie! Giddy up!!!

I can't believe that she's standing up! She's so big, beautiful and a wonderful blessing!
It won't be long and she will be walking.... do we really want her to grow up that fast...
Those picture of Aaron just crack me up, he is so into the phone but still manages to hang on to Madeline so she won't fall.....
What a good Dad....
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