You're almost 2! I can't believe it. Sometimes I don't want to believe it.
Where did the time go, Madeline? It seems like just yesterday that I was rocking you to sleep the night we brought you home from the hospital. I remember looking at you and marveling at how beautiful you were... and you still are. I cried that night thinking of how thankful that I was that you were here and you were ours to love forever.
I love being your mommy and I know daddy loves being your daddy. Everyday, you amaze us - your energy, your intelligence, your laugh... your appetite for Goldfish and ice cream sandwiches.
More than once a day, someone in the house says: "Did she just say...?"
More often that not, you did say it. You say sooo much now. Maybe only mommy and daddy understand it at times, but you are quite the talker.
"Righhht!" That's how you respond when we repeat what you are asking for. It is as if you are just as tickled to get your point across as we are to understand you!
You are doing so many new things nowadays. I love every moment - yes, every "terrible 2" moment. I might get frustrated and I might not understand what your deal is at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. And neither would daddy!
On Wednesday, March 10, 2010, you told me "I love you" for the first time before I left for work. I floated through the rest of the day. I told everyone at work that you said it. Those three words made me feel like the most special person in the world!
Today, on Wednesday, April 14, 2010, you peed in the little pink potty at Grammy's house for the first time! How cool? Someday you will read this and not think it is so special, but mommy and daddy do! (Especially after you peed on the same throw rug outside your bathroom twice now!)
Sometimes I get sad when I think about you growing up so fast. But sometimes I am excited about you getting older and all of the fun things we are going to do together (I tell you about them sometimes at night when I am rocking you - it always puts you to sleep).
Our Sweet Madeline... you certainly are sweet. You're our girl. Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Madely.
You'll always be our baby.
Hugs and kisses,

I can not believe Madeline is going to be 2 years old either. My how time fly's by. I too agree with you, she sure does say alot of words. I know little girls are quick to pick up talking! That is something that they have mastered before they are born. She sure is precious; the other day Daddy had corrected her and sat her down in the chair to cry. She looked at me and said, "Nana help" that just about broke my heart. I was so excited that she was saying Nana, she called me Nana all day. It is funny how fast she catches on.
Love Nana
What a beautiful letter filled with Love for Madeline. She will cherish it someday Mommy and Daddy. Madeline you are one "VERY LOVED" baby girl by your whole family. Love and Kisses. Grammy and Poppie
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