Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'd do that day all over again

November 7 was just a plain ol' good day. Nothing special happened, but it was nice - just nice.

As the snow begins to fly and the mercury dips, I can't help but think of how nice that particular fall day was. The three of us just simply hung out in the back yard... well it was just Aaron and I staining our wood trim (which is still not up yet) in the back yard until Miss Madely Poo decided to awaken from her afternoon slumber. And then, she just had to be outside with Mommy and Daddy!!!

Of course, the camera came too and I am so glad because I got a chance to take some really sweet fall pictures of my lil peanut butter baby.

Isn't she a doll face in her peachy keen coat and hat?

Dandelion baby...

You have to blow on dandelions, right?

Places to go, people to see... Is that pretty flower for Mommy?

Helping daddy stain the trim was so much fun!

Mommy made daddy put Madeline in the tree... He he he...
You LOVED it, baby girl!

Peeeeking around a bush. Is daddy over there?

Oh how mommy tried to get this baby OUT OF THE ROCKS! Didn't work too well. She's a stubborn little German... just like her mommy AND daddy!

Vrooooom goes the airplane baby!

Off into the sunset...

What a great day we had doing nothing together! Yup, I'd do that day all over again!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sheeya later, tater

Tonight at the Kingdom Hall, Madeline started to fuss a little bit so Aaron offered to take her out and walk with her for a little bit to calm her down.
As he picked her up, she looked back at me, waved big with a smile and said "Sheeya"...
Mom looked at me laughing and said: "She said,'See ya!'"

Oh no she didn't, you may be saying... Oh yes, she did.

Sheeya... My little tater tot has a lot to say. And it won't be long before she can!

Time to curl up with a good book

We don't do cold weather. Instead, we do fun stuff inside the nice, warm house... like read on the couch.

By the looks of things, this is just one of those days at Grammy and Papa's house... sitting around on the Dora couch, reading a good book. (Notice the "Let's Party" bib - what do they do over there all day until I come to get her???)

And also by the looks of things... we didn't comb that baby's hair that particular day!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dear blog:

I have missed you, blogspot. I have neglected you and I admit this.
There was a time when I thought Facebook was the "new you." Again, I admit I was was wrong.
Where else can a ramble on and on about myself without the fear of others scolding me with their all-knowing comments and words of wisdom?
'Tis only you, blogger. You complete me... (well not really, but it's a cheesy phrase that I like and it fits).

Reasons why blogspot is cooler than Facebook:
1.) I've missed writing more than just status updates.
2.) I need a creative outlet and FB does not allow any fiddling around with backgrounds and so forth.
3.) I don't have time to paint or draw and frankly, I probably can't any more.
4.) FB messed up too much.
5.) I don't want to reconnect with people from high school.
6.) This blog is for my baby girl to look at some day and FB isn't too good at archiving stuff.
7.) I don't care to read other people's status updates and FB pretty much makes you do that.
8.) Most importantly, FB was a time-consuming black hole of bad association.

And there you have it, I am back - this blogger is back in full force. I have many, many ideas rolling around in my head, begging to be put on this blog.

And I will...

So far, I have added a new background and putzed around with a "Our Sweet Madeline" header for wayyyy too long, but the end result was pretty cute.

'Til next time...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009