Sunday, December 28, 2008

The 'Beary Cute' Photo Shoot

Our latest "Beary Cute" photo shoot (I get an idea and we pose it... again and again and again). Mommy thinks she is a photographer... But we probably should make a trip to a real photo studio pretty soon.
Aaron and I tried extra, EXTRA hard to get this kid to smile. Instead she grinned and closed her eyes....
Oh well, they're still cute!


Anonymous said...

Maddie is such a cutie. She looks just like Aaron. It is nice that you have this. Then people who don't get to see her can. I know Grandma Ewald is a proud grandma. Sue Ralston

The Lofback's said...

Those are "BEARY" cute pictures! I just love that little girl!!

Families are Precious said...

What a cute Blog Amy, I love all of Madeline's pictures.... ya more pictures.....

Anonymous said...

YOU are the CUTIEST teddy bear of them all! Papa Loves you- Ah Huh KISS, KISS.
Grammy says, Does this remind you of ELMO??
We Love you.
P.S. Mommy is doing a great job with your new Blog.

Unknown said...

She's walking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she looks like amy and thats a good thing cuz aron..... joking