Thursday, March 19, 2009

Baby girl is ready for spring!

Oh my... I totally don't have time to be posting this... but I just uploaded it off my work camera and was immediately infatuated with how cute she looks. I had to share it!
I gotta get back to work!


Grammy and Papa Joles said...

She sure does look like she's ready for SPRING!! How cute you are in your hat Miss Maddie !! We can't wait for it to warm up so you will be able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine!!
Love and Kisses, Grammy and Papa

Kimberly Dee said...

Pink hat and pink shoes, too cute!

The Lofback's said...

You sure are cute Madeline! I love your spring hat! You sure do look ready! Aunt Danielle is ready for spring too, but just not as cute!

Families are Precious said...

Boy - Madeline does look so cute there. Nana can't wait until spring too... The cold weather just wants to hold on. I am tired of the COLD. Can't wait to go for a walk with you Madeline, and shopping, we will have fun. Love ya