She is sitting on the futon mattress that we had in the livingroom for a little while. We reluctantly put it back in the other room after about 2 weeks of laying out on the floor. It was pretty nice to be able to lay down with her on the mattress... but annoying to walk around and impossible to vacuum under.
Why is the futon mattress in the livingroom floor? Oh, Maddie, someday you are going to read this and know how very WRAPPED you have your parents around your little finger!
David and Jennifer stayed late one night and we didn't want to wake Madeline because she was sleeping in the middle of our bed. One move and she would be up! So we dragged out the mattress and slept in the livingroom with the monitor turned on. It was like camping... on a much smaller mattress than we are used to.
And do you know what? The little peanut slept all night and we were so glad we left her there!
Sweet dreams, pumpkin! Look at you sitting up like a big girl!!!
Cute! Keep it up Madeline, you'll be sitting up on your own in no time!!!
I can not believe she is almost sitting up on her own. It just goes to show you - just how fast children grow. Cherish every moment with her, because you can't go back wards, only forward.....
I would love to have my kids at that age again, and here they are grown and have their own kids. Love the picture of her trying to sit up.
I love this picture of her!
It's silly!
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