The first picture is Madeline at just one week old in July. We lived in town at the time, before we moved. Look how small our little peach was in her jungle swing! Her pajamas were too big for her and now... that little pair of PJ's is packed away in the closet.. too small!
The second picture was Madeline just last week, sitting on her favorite perch - her jungle swing! At first this swing was TOO fast for her. But now that she is a little chunky monkey, the swing is more stable and doesn't go quite so fast. She's our growing girl... smiling and laughing nowadays... gone are the sleepy days when we just wanted her to open her eyes and look at us.
Now, she's an active baby! She rolls and is trying her hardest to get her knees underneath her to crawl. Lastnight she got them under her, but couldn't lift her front end up.
And now... this sweet little baby doesn't want to sleep! Life is just too fun for this little gal to miss a single moment!
How cute is that comparison! She sure is growing up! I can't believe that she's getting close to crawling... It won't be long now!
She sure has grown fast, I can't believe how fast the time goes. Hey - do you want to do a family picture when she is one year old..... or sooner. I will pay... I would like a picture of us all together. what do ya think?
What a little doll! I can't believe what a few months make. She'll be taking off running in no time!
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