This is part of a three-stage excersaucer that Madeline plays with from time to time. She gets to lay underneath it and grab at the buzzy bee, an orange butterfly and a blue bird that vibrates and buzzes when it gets pulled.
It just so happens that every time I think this little gal is just a tiny, "helpless" little baby, she proves me wrong.
For the past few months, she has only batted a little bit at the blue bird, which is situated higher than the other two toys. It also doesn't pull nearly as easily as the butterfly and the bee.
I thought to myself, "Why would they put that bird so high? And why would they make it so hard to pull? She'll never be able to reach it and pull it down."
This is why I don't design toys.
Lastnight, Madeline grabbed the blue bird and gave it a good yank. I laughed out loud... shocked that she finally reached up and yanked that little guy all the way to her belly and then let it go.
It buzzed back up to the top.
She grabbed it a few other times after that, not letting it go quite as quickly, which caused it to make some funny noises... Bzz.. Bzzz... Bzzzzzzz.... Bzzz
She is something else. Everyday is a new milestone and a new memory.
She's almost sitting on her own... kinda. She has started to prop herself up with her arms if she is left to sit on her own, but she still wobbles on her little round butt so she needs to be supported or propped with a pillow.
Lesson learned: Never doubt the power of the baby...
She sure is amazing, the other day when I was watching her, she flipped right over - on to her belly. Before you know it, she is going to be crawling, and then walking. The grow fast.
AAAhhh she is just adorable. I just want to squeeze her cheeks...haha That toy looks so neat, I will definitely have to get baby joey one of those...:)
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