Saturday, January 17, 2009

Meet the band

Here are the Xbox Rockband extravaganza pictures that I have been meaning to post for about two weeks now... tsk tsk tsk... shame on me.
This game is something else... Strangely enough, Madeline slept through most of it. You may notice how I am strategically behind the camera... Mwa ha ha.

Landon the rocker with his trusty guitar...

Landon, David and Eric doing their thing... Aaron is in the background on vocals, Jennifer is assisting with moral support

Wayne drumming like a mad man and Eric...
looking serious.
It's all about the music, dudes!

Jennifer ready to blurt out some lyrics.
(Seriously are there any songs you don't know?)


Ready to take this show on the road...

I'd buy his record! Wouldn't you?


Families are Precious said...

You guys look like you had a wonderful time..... to bad I didn't come and sing with ya all.....

The Lofback's said...

Cute pictures! That was alot of fun! Landon was SO excited to see his picture on there!

Anonymous said...

Looks like everybody had fun rocking it out!ROCK ON!